East of Wallace Tours
Adventures in East Indonesia

Unique wildlife in Indonesia east of the Wallace Line

in Indonesien östlich der Wallace Line

The exotic wildlife in Indonesia’s Sulawesi and the Moluccan Spice Islands

Since the pioneering work on the origin of species by Alfred Russel Wallace, the islands situated between Borneo and Papua in the centre of the Indo-Pacific region have been a source of constant interest to naturalists. This group of islands east of the Wallace Line is geographically isolated from continental land masses and lies at the interface between Asian and Australian flora and fauna, offering a unique array of animal and plant life to be explored. Due to its high number of endemic species, it is truly one of the world’s most biodiverse regions.

On each of our very individual trips to the remote islands of the Wallace Line there are countless animals and plants to discover.

Tangkoko Nature Reserve

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The wildlife east of the Wallace Line includes numerous land mammals, reptiles and amphibians, as well as a wide variety of bird species. Among them are a whole range of species that are native to this region and are often localized, only to be found on individual islands. Often hidden in remote jungle areas and away from human settlements, it takes some effort to track them all down.


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